Start Today For Just Your Pocket Change And Then Pay The Rest On Day 21 AFTER You Experience RAPID Results!
It's Your Choice Whether Or Not You Want To
And If You're Not Totally Happy, You Pay NOTHING!
Here's the deal:
I know Full Throttle Fat Loss works, and I know it works really well,
so I'm going to give you the entire package + all limited-time bonus
offers for just $1. Then, on Day 21, only AFTER you've radically changed
your body, you'll be billed a one-time payment for the remaining $96 of
the special promotional price.
The whole point of all this is to help you get better and faster results in less time than you've ever experienced.
I believe in your ability to get results with all my heart, but I realize how often people get burnt in the weight loss industry when they try to buy stuff. So I'm going to take all of the risk and make this decision brain-dead simple for you.If you're not fully satisfied with your $1 investment in Full Throttle Fat Loss, just cancel before 21 days and you won't be charged another cent. Plus, you'll still get to keep all 8 of the components you download, free of charge.
Click 'Add to Cart' Below to Get Started
for Just 1 dollar!
Click HERE to Get Started For Just $1
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
Lose Fat Up To 417% FASTER In As Little As
12 Minutes
When I Show You EXACTLY How To Flip Your Body's "Hidden" Fat Loss Switch Into OVERDRIVE
Dr. Kareem graduated from and is a featured expert by:
This is the end of your fat loss journey, and the beginning of your new
lean self.
You're going to watch your
body change, you're going to feel your joint pain
disappear, and you're going to experience more confidence than you
EVER have before -- and you'll do it ALL in just 4 short weeks.
Dear Friend,
I sat down to write you this letter because I'm inspired, and I'm onto something that can truly change your life. In the end, I realized there's no better way to prove this to you than by actually teaching you everything there is to know about accelerating the fat loss process, and why it works so well.
We're talking about another level of fat loss and body transformation.
The #1 Reason You're Not Losing Fat:
You're Training the WRONG System
The way most workout programs are designed is by deciding which muscles to work today, and
how to best set up your program to hit everything eventually; all of this while stimulating the
greatest "metabolic" effect. The problem is, you're already off to the wrong start.Muscle = Metabolism, right?
So in order to stimulate the greatest metabolic effect from an exercise, we want to get as much muscle involved as possible. This just makes sense. However, stimulating as much muscle as possible may not be what it seems...
There Are 2 Ways To Stimulate Muscle And Increase Your Metabolism, Not Just One.
One idea would be to work as many muscles within a given workout as you can; another possibility would be to enhance the electrical signal to a group of muscles, instead. Now, by working on nerve instead of a muscle, you are actually working on multiple muscles at once, and, more importantly, all of each muscle.
The Key Fat Loss Factor:
Your Nervous System
It's a cold hard FACT that you'll take much more away from every rep of every exercise, of every set, and of EVERY workout when you stimulate your nervous system first.
But this is just the beginning... there's a specific sequence of events that I follow to increase signal strength. Here they are:- Plan a movement.
- Re-align the spine.
- Excite nerves that relax during the day by doing 5 minutes of muscle balancing exercises.
- Balance joints to take away pain signals you may not know are going on.
- Ask for more electricity through dynamic and unstable exercises.
- Work related segments together, at once, to improve muscle timing.
- Create 'Cardiovascular Override' by working all 3 Energy Systems
That may sound like a lot to think about, but there is an easy fat loss system that solves this for you:
The Solution: The Quadruple Neuro Fat Loss Stack™
The Quadruple Fat Loss Stack™ is a high-speed fat loss system based on the number 4 and the proprietary "stacker" technology used in Full Throttle Fat Loss:
4 Phases
4 Days to Immediately Noticable Results
4 Weeks to Automatically Programmed Fat Loss
4 Times FASTER Fat Loss
It works because we do 4 critically important things as we progress:
Recruit, Load, Distribute, Stack. This ensures progression, by the use of Fat Loss Stacker Principle. First, we recruit a muscle or group of muscles, then we add a load to the muscle, redistribute our weight, and add a second or third exercise into the mix before completing a rep.
Accelerate Your Fat Loss to Full Throttle
with "Stacker" Fat Loss Technology
Stacker Fat Loss Technology is when you add the fat loss effect of every portion of every exercise together. It's a simple formula. Let's give a practical example. Let's say that you do the following 2 exercises, back to back:
Squat and Lunge
1 Squat + 1 Lunge = 2 exercises.
Now, let's say you take those same 2 exercises, except you add a movement to exercise #2, and you leave the rest the same.
Lunge + Press = 2-part exercise
1 Squat + 2-part exercise = 3 exercises.
You get the idea. We can really build a lot more into a lot less time when we learn to add exercises together. Fat loss skyrockets, as does the metabolic effectiveness of every exercise.
Stacker Fat Loss Technology wins.
Want to be sure my methods work?... Here's what Susan had to say
about the time we've spent together:
"Lose Fat 2x Faster Than
Anything In The World" on NBC
Anything In The World" on NBC
Toned Arms In
10 Minutes on NBC
10 Minutes on NBC
Besides, Here's The Reason You'll Never Plateau:
Stacked RESULTS!
With the unique progression built in to the Quadruple Neuro Fat Loss Stack™, we strategically prime your body to lose more and more
fat each and every week, unlike typical fat loss programs in which
results decline each week until you eventually hit a dreaded fat loss
plateau. Can you just imagine
losing even MORE fat in week 4 than you did in week 1? That's
exactly what we do with Full Throttle Fat Loss - instead of plateauing,
you'll be stacking your results from
week to week until you hit Full Throttle max speed in week 4.
When You Apply All Of The Full Throttle Fat Loss Principles,
Your Body Fat Doesn't Stand A Chance!
Listen, I've invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into my education in fitness, health, and
rehabilitation; more importantly, it took me years to get this far, and tens of thousands of clients
trained. I truly believe I can advance you to 'master-level' knowledge in your own body and
how to make it lose fat within 16 short weeks in Full Throttle Fat Loss.Full Throttle Fat Loss was created out of the realization that fat loss could (and should) happen much faster for everyone, not just some people. Sure, if you're perfectly coordinated, familiar with working out a specific muscle instead of movement, and already know how hard to push yourself, you'll probably get results.
The trouble is, this only represents a small portion of the population. That's why I created a program that works for both beginners and advanced trainees, progressing exercise skill level at lightening speed, regardless.
You're about to look, feel, and move differently.
People will notice, but, more importantly, YOU will notice.
You're going to wake up one day in the next 8 weeks and bounce right out of bed. You'll feel
light on your toes, strangely happy for no apparent reason, and ready to charge at your day. As
you glimpse at yourself in the mirror while you stop in the bathroom, it'll confuse you and you'll
think back to the dream you just awoke from moments ago."Wow, it's like I'm not even looking at the same person. I remember just a few minutes ago while I was dreaming, I was much heavier than this, and I actually looked older? This is crazy."
As you look for your belly, it'll be gone. Your body will be melting, and you'll feel awesome.
At this point, there's no turning back. I won't let you.
You're so close to where you want to be, you have no idea. Sure, I'm going to push you, and I'm going to give you everything I've got to inspire you. I'll stop at nothing to ensure you get results. But I won't take no for an answer. You're here for a reason...
One way or another, you have to get in shape at this point. It's up to you how, but I've got a great package that will simplify the process. Check it out:
The ENTIRE 8-Component
Full Throttle Fat Loss System
($17 value):
($29.95 value):
This is a comprehensive list of the best fat loss lessons I've ever learned; essentially, a shortcut to fat loss. You know the 80/20 rule, right:
- 80% of your efforts yield 20% of your results
- 20% of your efforts yield 80% of your results.
This is the 20% you should be focused on 100% of the time to get 400% the result.
($29.95 value):
Learning exercise gets much easier when you go through this guide.
($9.95 value):
($197 value):
($29.95 value):
In the Transformational Mindset Audios, I teach you all about the proper mindset for fat loss and fitness, and the fastest way I know to help you get there.
($560 value):
Full Throttle Fat Loss is about never having to lose fat slowly again. I'm going to make you the deal of a lifetime. The 8-components of Full Throttle Fat Loss are worth over $1170, but since I really care about you and your results, I'm going to give you a VIP discount of just a single, one-time payment of:
$97 $1 NOW
$96 after 21 days | cancel anytime.
Click HERE to Get Started For Just $1
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
Exclusive Limited-Time Only Bonus:
14 Day Fat Loss Plan
This is about helping you lose at least 7-10 pounds in the first 2 weeks, while balancing your body at the same time.
Yes, incredible. How will your body look when you shave off 7 to 10 unsightly pounds and boost your energy at the same time? How will people respond when they see you 14 days from now?
As a special gift for joining the release off Full Throttle Fat Loss, you're going to get this specialty program completely FREE. I told you I'm not holding anything back, and I refuse to let you fail.
If you're lazy and you're not going to do what it takes to get lean, then this isn't for you, and you don't have to worry. But let me warn you, your opportunity to take advantage of this special offer and get all of the bonuses is fading away quickly. No pressure intended; I believe in you, but the time to take action if you really want to get results is now.
Besides, you've already learned what it takes to design a fat loss program that ensures results. You understand that there are a lot of elements, and that this can be overwhelming in the beginning. Plus, you realize that developing a passion for health can take time, so having a coach by your side is a critical element to your success.
I'd like to be your coach, and I'd like to help ensure your results.
Click HERE to Get Started For Just $1
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
What if I don't see results?
Then It's ALL FREE.I know this system works. I know the science is solid and the method has been tested. You're going to get results. That said, if you're unsatisfied in any way, I've got your back. Fitness and health are about having a positive experience, over and over again. If you're not 100% convinced that this is one of the most positive experiences you've ever had with your health, than I'd rather you invest your money somewhere else.
As your coach, your goals come first. Whatever it takes, even if it means refunding you the entire cost of the program and directing you to something that may be a better fit for your needs.... either way, I've got you covered.
That said, I can't imagine a better fit for you right now. You're reading this for a reason, and you're protected 100% for the next 60 days while you give Full Throttle Fat Loss a "test-run," so to speak, and watch your fat melt right off.
That's right. Lose more fat than ever in the next 8 weeks by following the program or you get your money back. No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt, courteous refund.
Believe me, if you get even half the results my other clients have, you won't be sorry. Go ahead and click add to cart - Let's get started:
Click HERE to Get Started For Just $1
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
Do you want to accelerate your fat loss results
EVERY time you work out?
It's time you realize this: mastering anything takes time. You have all the tools you need to ensure fat loss success someday. I'd like that day to be today for you. Modeling is the fastest way to become successful in anything. Take what I'm showing you in Full Throttle Fat Loss and one-up it. Essentially, look at my method, do it, and then figure out how to make it better. This is so much easier than starting from the beginning.
Instead of having to orchestrate combining, ALL 7 ways to stimulate your nervous system, ALL 10 Fat Loss Commandments, and the Quadruple Neuro Fat Loss Stack into short, extremely effective workouts, you have an opportunity to work backwards. I've already thought about all of these aspects when designing Full Throttle Fat Loss, and you can do each workout while knowing you're achieving at full capacity in each area.
Plus you can do it ALL today while saving $1073 from the total package value and skyrocketing your immediate results with the insane bonus package I've created for you.
Click HERE to Get Started For Just $1
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
I'm extremely excited to work with you and see your results. Your body is about to do amazing things, and you're going to wonder how it's even possible that your body got so lean in such a short time period.
After years of chasing fat loss and weight loss, you're already home.
4 days from now you're going to see immediate, noticable results
4 weeks from now it's GAME OVER
Today is Day 1. Let's get started.
Your friend and coach,
Neuro Metabolic Fat Loss & Fitness Expert
P.S. Full Throttle Fat Loss is meant to help you lose fat right now, but I you can only lead a horse to water. For now, you can secure your lifetime membership today and never have to face the expensive alternative of an in-person personal trainer that may never be able to deliver these results. Click HERE to get started and save BIG!
P.P.S. Remember, with my Iron-clad, 100% Money-back Guarantee, I'm giving you 60 risk-free days to discover the body that lays underneath your fat. You'll see it, and then decide. This is the only program in the world that will take your fat loss results to this level, and then also accelerate all of your future results. Grab it RISK-FREE today.
Q: What is Full Throttle Fat Loss and why will it accelerate my results?
Full Throttle Fat Loss is the first program in the world to integrate all aspects of fat loss, including nervous system stimulation, fat loss acceleration, and a holistic process that looks at the entire 'you' before making assumptions of what will and will not work.Your body truly is unique, but there are three things that all of us have in common:
- We need faster and stronger signals to our muscles from our nerves. This gets more muscle involved and helps you improve your results, dramatically, with every workout you do.
- We all have strengths and weaknesses. Working within our strengths 80% of the time is the best way to lose fat at full speed.
- Stacker Fat Loss always works. By stacking exercises together into multi-part exercises, you are requiring your body to work harder to get through the exercise. This work = metabolism, which means there is an increased metabolic cost with every exercise you do.
Full Throttle Fat Loss was designed to help you eliminate time-wasted in your workouts or a plan that wasn't ever going to work in the end. This is about starting the rest of your fat loss journey in a predictable, sensible, and logical way that just makes sense.
Your body was designed to eliminate waste. It gets rid of fat when it's signaled to, but you have to first speak the language of the body. That's where most people go wrong. Muscles are silent; they don't speak.
Nerves are not silent, and they 'speak' to muscles through electricity. Every nerve innervates multiple muscles. By focusing on enhancing nerve signals to muscles, we naturally activate more muscles, and more of every muscle. It's a double-win.
We're all made differently, right?
While this is true, there are only so many variations. For example, you might be tall and thin, short and round, short and stocky, etc. By taking a glimpse into your own body and learning what type of muscle fiber you preference, you are automatically setting yourself up for success. Then, when you choose to 'mix it up' and 'scare your fat away,' your body won't know what hit it, and you'll respond just like all those before/after's you keep seeing in the media.
As for Stacker Fat Loss, this is just simple mathematics. Every joint has a local metabolism, and your whole body, or global metabolism, is the accumulation of many local joint metabolisms. Essentially, the more of your joints (or bodyparts) you move, the higher the metabolic cost of an exercise. The more you do this, the higher your metabolism goes, and around we go.
Over the next 4 weeks, we're going to prime your body to lose fat at full speed. I fully intend to help you create a 'Metabolic Shift.' This is a moment in time when your metabolism re-establishes 'normalcy' at a brand-new, higher level. Once it gets used to functioning 'faster', it'll naturally make this the new base level, or basal metabolic rate (BMR) for your body.
So, in combination, we TRIPLE your metabolism:
Step 1: Activate more muscle to get more from every rep and increase metabolic cost.
Step 2: Stack exercises together and increase metabolic cost of every set.
Step 3: Prime your body to lose fat and then create a 'Metabolic Shift', so that you always lose fat faster, from this point on.
Q: Is Full Throttle Fat Loss 'too' difficult?
That's a great question, and I'm going to flip it back on you. No, it shouldn't be too difficult, but difficult is a relative term. What is difficult for you?If it's a matter of stepping outside of your comfort zone, then, yes, this is going to be difficult. If it's a matter of an exercise being too advanced or a workout program being too intense, that's not the case. Full Throttle Fat Loss was designed for any level by using some ninja program design to allow any person, at any level, to step in and get a great workout.
I wish I had the opportunity to work with everyone I train from Day 1. That would be incredible. You'd never make any form mistakes, or get confused by all of the garbage out there in weight loss. Instead, you'll have a targeted and systematized approach to getting your lean body and losing fat as fast as possible, while keeping you healthy. So, I designed this program for you, if that's the case.
On the other hand, I take great enjoyment out of training Olympic and professional athletes. It's really neat to see the potential of your method realized through the most athletic and capable bodies in the world. I always wanted a way to serve both populations, and Full Throttle Fat Loss helped me solve this. As you'll see in a moment, fat loss isn't the only advantage here, so even if you're ultra-advanced, you're in for an incredible treat.
Q: What is Rebound Fat Loss? I've only ever heard of Rebound Weight Gain. How is this different?
Before we discuss Rebound Fat Loss, let's just make sure we're on the same page about Rebound Weight Gain and why it happens:Crash Dieting. Crash Dieting makes it so that your body is in starvation mode and eats its own muscle. Since muscle consumes a ton of energy (calories) for your body, your metabolism naturally decreases over time. Unfortunately, as you reduce your caloric intake and lose muscle at the same time, your body's reward for the weight you lost is less food and a slower metabolism.
On the other hand...
Rebound Fat Loss is when you hit a fat loss goal, and then you decide to go for another one and hit it faster. Most fat loss programs actually slow down in results over time, no matter how much harder you work to see any change.
Full Throttle Fat Loss was designed to actually increase your metabolism over time, improve the neurological signal to your muscle, and re-connect your body. In doing so, your results actually begin to accelerate. You'll be much happier when you join the Full Throttle Fat Loss community and start to see accelerated results. Go ahead and click add to cart:
Click HERE to Get Started For Just $1
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
Q: Is Full Throttle Fat Loss a program that can be repeated?
Of course, but you won't need to in order to hit your goals. As you'll see in a minute, I'm going to make you an incredible offer to let me build your workouts for you until you feel more comfortable becoming fully independent, but that's just a choice and a courtesy.You'll be able to use Full Throttle Fat Loss over and over again, as often as you want. More importantly, you'll understand how to easily switch in/out exercises to the program I already created for you and keep your results coming forever.
This is about fat loss independence, and it's about never plateauing again. I'm on your side.
Q: What if I'm trying to build muscle or just get a bit leaner?
Ok, so this is where Full Throttle Fat Loss gets really cool. Because this is a fully periodized program with distinct phases, you naturally electrify your body into getting lean and activating more muscle within the first 4 weeks. After this point, it's easy to hit any fitness goal you want, whether it's just increasing fitness level or getting bigger.Full Throttle Fat Loss is designed to help your body gain and tolerate more from every workout. These are both essential points in building muscle or improving your fitness level. You've found the 'priming' solution for fitness and building muscle.
Q: What if I have an injury? Can I still get results with Full Throttle Fat Loss?
Great question. 34 pounds and 17% bodyfat ago, I was in a lot of pain... in fact, I'd say 8/10 pain in most joints in my body. It was terrible, and I was 23 years old.Through simple muscle balancing exercises and good judgment, I was able to lose all of my unwanted bodyfat and regain my self-confidence. I'd like you to be able to do the same thing.
The best thing to do if you're injured is learn to work around it. You're creating a faster and better healing environment for your body in doing so. By driving more circulation everywhere in your body through exercising non-injured bodyparts, you're improving oxygen saturation to the injured tissue, and you'll heal faster.
It makes sense to get moving. Use good judgment, involve your doctor or physical therapist if it makes sense, and ask questions, but be sure you get started and take action right away.
Q: I'm ready to start losing fat now. Is this program going to take forever in the mail?
No! The entire program will become immediately available to you via membership login and download after your purchase - no shipping fees, no waiting for results!Q: As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, is it fair to say that you're willing to work with someone who's not in her/his "prime" anymore?
Yes, and I specialize in working with people of all ages. No matter what your need or circumstance, I'm here to help. Our youngest client is an 8 year old boy and our oldest is a 93 year old woman. It's working for both. It'll work for you too.Based upon everything we're learning about each other, this program will work for you. Click add to cart and let's get started:
Click HERE to Get Started For Just $1
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
Q: What if I'm just starting out?
Totally, but only beginners that want to lose fat as fast as advanced trainees and are willing to open their minds and trust the method.In addition to the Beginner Basics Guide that comes with Full Throttle Fat Loss, I've designed each workout to adjust to your level automatically. Plus, I've explained every movement and every exercise in complete detail, demonstrated common form deviations as well as proper form, and shown you the way to 'feel your muscles' while you move.
Q: Can men and women both get great results with this program?
Of course. 60% of my clients are women and 40% are men. I wouldn't create anything that doesn't work for both of you. Full Throttle Fat Loss was designed to guarantee you the fastest fat loss results you've ever seen and have you accelerate fat loss results over time.Get ready, we're going to have some fun.
Q: What if I don't get results?
Then it's all FREE.I know this system works. I know the science is solid and the method has been tested. You're going to get GREAT results. That said, if you're unsatisfied in any way, I've got your back. Fitness and health are about having a positive experience, over and over again. If you're not 100% convinced that this is one of the most positive experiences you've ever had with your health, than I'd rather you invest your money somewhere else.
I'll issue you a complete, hassle-free refund anytime within your first 60 days if you're not completely wow'd by what's to come.
As you can see, the burden is completely on me. I'm taking all the risk, so you don't have to. You've been let down enough times... not this time.
Click the button below and let's get you leaner:
Click HERE to Get Started For Just $1
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
Full Throttle Fat Loss is a great deal this time, and I'm committed to helping every one of you get amazing results. You are the beginning of a new era in fat loss, and I want to ensure you are the example for the rest of the industry from this point on.
You've made it this far. You're reading this for a reason, and I'm here to help.
You know, a lot of people ask me:
"Hey Doc,
I really want to trust you with this stuff, but nothing has worked for me before, and I feel like I've tried everything. Do you really think this will work for me?"
...and I respond about the same way every time...
"Your body is your body, but your mind is much stronger. Before I can draw that conclusion, you have to decide for yourself. Yes, this program can do what you're looking for and then some, but it all starts with you. You have to believe, with everything you've got inside, that you'll never be the same again and you refuse to quit on your goals until they are realized. Find that inspiration and you've already won. There's no other way..."
No matter what, though, I just hope that you've taken a lot away from the time we have spent together today. There are a lot of other workout programs out there and temptation to buy everything you see, but I truly believe this to be the best program on Earth for fat loss acceleration. If it weren't, I wouldn't have released it. This is about bringing things that are newer and better to the industry, or keeping our mouths shut and learning from the best.
In a world ridden with obesity, it's my job to enhance the transformation effect, not confuse it. Just take a look at what Marty has to say and you'll understand much more clearly why this is life-changing information:
On behalf of the entire Samhouri family, we wish you success with your fat loss and weight loss goals. We believe in you, and we believe that change starts today for each one of us. We're here for you anytime you want, and we're glad to help...
Win with me. Click add to cart. Let's get started.
Click HERE to Get Started For Just $1
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
Need help? Contact our support:

Start Today For Just Your Pocket Change And Then Pay The Rest On Day 21 AFTER You Experience RAPID Results!
It's Your Choice Whether Or Not You Want To
And If You're Not Totally Happy, You Pay NOTHING!
Here's the deal:
I know Full Throttle Fat Loss works, and I know it works really well,
so I'm going to give you the entire package + all limited-time bonus
offers for just $1. Then, on Day 21, only AFTER you've radically changed
your body, you'll be billed a one-time payment for the remaining $96 of
the special promotional price.
The whole point of all this is to help you get better and faster results in less time than you've ever experienced.
I believe in your ability to get results with all my heart, but I realize how often people get burnt in the weight loss industry when they try to buy stuff. So I'm going to take all of the risk and make this decision brain-dead simple for you.If you're not fully satisfied with your $1 investment in Full Throttle Fat Loss, just cancel before 21 days and you won't be charged another cent. Plus, you'll still get to keep all 8 of the components you download, free of charge.
Click 'Add to Cart' Below to Get Started
for Just 1 dollar!
Click HERE to Get Started For Just $1
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
Lose Fat Up To 417% FASTER In As Little As
12 Minutes
When I Show You EXACTLY How To Flip Your Body's "Hidden" Fat Loss Switch Into OVERDRIVE
Dr. Kareem graduated from and is a featured expert by:
This is the end of your fat loss journey, and the beginning of your new
lean self.
You're going to watch your
body change, you're going to feel your joint pain
disappear, and you're going to experience more confidence than you
EVER have before -- and you'll do it ALL in just 4 short weeks.
Dear Friend,
I sat down to write you this letter because I'm inspired, and I'm onto something that can truly change your life. In the end, I realized there's no better way to prove this to you than by actually teaching you everything there is to know about accelerating the fat loss process, and why it works so well.
We're talking about another level of fat loss and body transformation.
The #1 Reason You're Not Losing Fat:
You're Training the WRONG System
The way most workout programs are designed is by deciding which muscles to work today, and
how to best set up your program to hit everything eventually; all of this while stimulating the
greatest "metabolic" effect. The problem is, you're already off to the wrong start.Muscle = Metabolism, right?
So in order to stimulate the greatest metabolic effect from an exercise, we want to get as much muscle involved as possible. This just makes sense. However, stimulating as much muscle as possible may not be what it seems...
There Are 2 Ways To Stimulate Muscle And Increase Your Metabolism, Not Just One.
One idea would be to work as many muscles within a given workout as you can; another possibility would be to enhance the electrical signal to a group of muscles, instead. Now, by working on nerve instead of a muscle, you are actually working on multiple muscles at once, and, more importantly, all of each muscle.
The Key Fat Loss Factor:
Your Nervous System
It's a cold hard FACT that you'll take much more away from every rep of every exercise, of every set, and of EVERY workout when you stimulate your nervous system first.
But this is just the beginning... there's a specific sequence of events that I follow to increase signal strength. Here they are:- Plan a movement.
- Re-align the spine.
- Excite nerves that relax during the day by doing 5 minutes of muscle balancing exercises.
- Balance joints to take away pain signals you may not know are going on.
- Ask for more electricity through dynamic and unstable exercises.
- Work related segments together, at once, to improve muscle timing.
- Create 'Cardiovascular Override' by working all 3 Energy Systems
That may sound like a lot to think about, but there is an easy fat loss system that solves this for you:
The Solution: The Quadruple Neuro Fat Loss Stack™
The Quadruple Fat Loss Stack™ is a high-speed fat loss system based on the number 4 and the proprietary "stacker" technology used in Full Throttle Fat Loss:
4 Phases
4 Days to Immediately Noticable Results
4 Weeks to Automatically Programmed Fat Loss
4 Times FASTER Fat Loss
It works because we do 4 critically important things as we progress:
Recruit, Load, Distribute, Stack. This ensures progression, by the use of Fat Loss Stacker Principle. First, we recruit a muscle or group of muscles, then we add a load to the muscle, redistribute our weight, and add a second or third exercise into the mix before completing a rep.
Accelerate Your Fat Loss to Full Throttle
with "Stacker" Fat Loss Technology
Stacker Fat Loss Technology is when you add the fat loss effect of every portion of every exercise together. It's a simple formula. Let's give a practical example. Let's say that you do the following 2 exercises, back to back:
Squat and Lunge
1 Squat + 1 Lunge = 2 exercises.
Now, let's say you take those same 2 exercises, except you add a movement to exercise #2, and you leave the rest the same.
Lunge + Press = 2-part exercise
1 Squat + 2-part exercise = 3 exercises.
You get the idea. We can really build a lot more into a lot less time when we learn to add exercises together. Fat loss skyrockets, as does the metabolic effectiveness of every exercise.
Stacker Fat Loss Technology wins.
Want to be sure my methods work?... Here's what Susan had to say
about the time we've spent together:
"Lose Fat 2x Faster Than
Anything In The World" on NBC
Anything In The World" on NBC
Toned Arms In
10 Minutes on NBC
10 Minutes on NBC
Besides, Here's The Reason You'll Never Plateau:
Stacked RESULTS!
With the unique progression built in to the Quadruple Neuro Fat Loss Stack™, we strategically prime your body to lose more and more
fat each and every week, unlike typical fat loss programs in which
results decline each week until you eventually hit a dreaded fat loss
plateau. Can you just imagine
losing even MORE fat in week 4 than you did in week 1? That's
exactly what we do with Full Throttle Fat Loss - instead of plateauing,
you'll be stacking your results from
week to week until you hit Full Throttle max speed in week 4.
When You Apply All Of The Full Throttle Fat Loss Principles,
Your Body Fat Doesn't Stand A Chance!
Listen, I've invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into my education in fitness, health, and
rehabilitation; more importantly, it took me years to get this far, and tens of thousands of clients
trained. I truly believe I can advance you to 'master-level' knowledge in your own body and
how to make it lose fat within 16 short weeks in Full Throttle Fat Loss.Full Throttle Fat Loss was created out of the realization that fat loss could (and should) happen much faster for everyone, not just some people. Sure, if you're perfectly coordinated, familiar with working out a specific muscle instead of movement, and already know how hard to push yourself, you'll probably get results.
The trouble is, this only represents a small portion of the population. That's why I created a program that works for both beginners and advanced trainees, progressing exercise skill level at lightening speed, regardless.
You're about to look, feel, and move differently.
People will notice, but, more importantly, YOU will notice.
You're going to wake up one day in the next 8 weeks and bounce right out of bed. You'll feel
light on your toes, strangely happy for no apparent reason, and ready to charge at your day. As
you glimpse at yourself in the mirror while you stop in the bathroom, it'll confuse you and you'll
think back to the dream you just awoke from moments ago."Wow, it's like I'm not even looking at the same person. I remember just a few minutes ago while I was dreaming, I was much heavier than this, and I actually looked older? This is crazy."
As you look for your belly, it'll be gone. Your body will be melting, and you'll feel awesome.
At this point, there's no turning back. I won't let you.
You're so close to where you want to be, you have no idea. Sure, I'm going to push you, and I'm going to give you everything I've got to inspire you. I'll stop at nothing to ensure you get results. But I won't take no for an answer. You're here for a reason...
One way or another, you have to get in shape at this point. It's up to you how, but I've got a great package that will simplify the process. Check it out:
The ENTIRE 8-Component
Full Throttle Fat Loss System
($17 value):
($29.95 value):
This is a comprehensive list of the best fat loss lessons I've ever learned; essentially, a shortcut to fat loss. You know the 80/20 rule, right:
- 80% of your efforts yield 20% of your results
- 20% of your efforts yield 80% of your results.
This is the 20% you should be focused on 100% of the time to get 400% the result.
($29.95 value):
Learning exercise gets much easier when you go through this guide.
($9.95 value):
($197 value):
($29.95 value):
In the Transformational Mindset Audios, I teach you all about the proper mindset for fat loss and fitness, and the fastest way I know to help you get there.
($560 value):
Full Throttle Fat Loss is about never having to lose fat slowly again. I'm going to make you the deal of a lifetime. The 8-components of Full Throttle Fat Loss are worth over $1170, but since I really care about you and your results, I'm going to give you a VIP discount of just a single, one-time payment of:
$97 $1 NOW
$96 after 21 days | cancel anytime.
Click HERE to Get Started For Just $1
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
Exclusive Limited-Time Only Bonus:
14 Day Fat Loss Plan
This is about helping you lose at least 7-10 pounds in the first 2 weeks, while balancing your body at the same time.
Yes, incredible. How will your body look when you shave off 7 to 10 unsightly pounds and boost your energy at the same time? How will people respond when they see you 14 days from now?
As a special gift for joining the release off Full Throttle Fat Loss, you're going to get this specialty program completely FREE. I told you I'm not holding anything back, and I refuse to let you fail.
If you're lazy and you're not going to do what it takes to get lean, then this isn't for you, and you don't have to worry. But let me warn you, your opportunity to take advantage of this special offer and get all of the bonuses is fading away quickly. No pressure intended; I believe in you, but the time to take action if you really want to get results is now.
Besides, you've already learned what it takes to design a fat loss program that ensures results. You understand that there are a lot of elements, and that this can be overwhelming in the beginning. Plus, you realize that developing a passion for health can take time, so having a coach by your side is a critical element to your success.
I'd like to be your coach, and I'd like to help ensure your results.
Click HERE to Get Started For Just $1
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
What if I don't see results?
Then It's ALL FREE.I know this system works. I know the science is solid and the method has been tested. You're going to get results. That said, if you're unsatisfied in any way, I've got your back. Fitness and health are about having a positive experience, over and over again. If you're not 100% convinced that this is one of the most positive experiences you've ever had with your health, than I'd rather you invest your money somewhere else.
As your coach, your goals come first. Whatever it takes, even if it means refunding you the entire cost of the program and directing you to something that may be a better fit for your needs.... either way, I've got you covered.
That said, I can't imagine a better fit for you right now. You're reading this for a reason, and you're protected 100% for the next 60 days while you give Full Throttle Fat Loss a "test-run," so to speak, and watch your fat melt right off.
That's right. Lose more fat than ever in the next 8 weeks by following the program or you get your money back. No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt, courteous refund.
Believe me, if you get even half the results my other clients have, you won't be sorry. Go ahead and click add to cart - Let's get started:
Click HERE to Get Started For Just $1
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
Do you want to accelerate your fat loss results
EVERY time you work out?
It's time you realize this: mastering anything takes time. You have all the tools you need to ensure fat loss success someday. I'd like that day to be today for you. Modeling is the fastest way to become successful in anything. Take what I'm showing you in Full Throttle Fat Loss and one-up it. Essentially, look at my method, do it, and then figure out how to make it better. This is so much easier than starting from the beginning.
Instead of having to orchestrate combining, ALL 7 ways to stimulate your nervous system, ALL 10 Fat Loss Commandments, and the Quadruple Neuro Fat Loss Stack into short, extremely effective workouts, you have an opportunity to work backwards. I've already thought about all of these aspects when designing Full Throttle Fat Loss, and you can do each workout while knowing you're achieving at full capacity in each area.
Plus you can do it ALL today while saving $1073 from the total package value and skyrocketing your immediate results with the insane bonus package I've created for you.
Click HERE to Get Started For Just $1
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
I'm extremely excited to work with you and see your results. Your body is about to do amazing things, and you're going to wonder how it's even possible that your body got so lean in such a short time period.
After years of chasing fat loss and weight loss, you're already home.
4 days from now you're going to see immediate, noticable results
4 weeks from now it's GAME OVER
Today is Day 1. Let's get started.
Your friend and coach,
Neuro Metabolic Fat Loss & Fitness Expert
P.S. Full Throttle Fat Loss is meant to help you lose fat right now, but I you can only lead a horse to water. For now, you can secure your lifetime membership today and never have to face the expensive alternative of an in-person personal trainer that may never be able to deliver these results. Click HERE to get started and save BIG!
P.P.S. Remember, with my Iron-clad, 100% Money-back Guarantee, I'm giving you 60 risk-free days to discover the body that lays underneath your fat. You'll see it, and then decide. This is the only program in the world that will take your fat loss results to this level, and then also accelerate all of your future results. Grab it RISK-FREE today.
Q: What is Full Throttle Fat Loss and why will it accelerate my results?
Full Throttle Fat Loss is the first program in the world to integrate all aspects of fat loss, including nervous system stimulation, fat loss acceleration, and a holistic process that looks at the entire 'you' before making assumptions of what will and will not work.Your body truly is unique, but there are three things that all of us have in common:
- We need faster and stronger signals to our muscles from our nerves. This gets more muscle involved and helps you improve your results, dramatically, with every workout you do.
- We all have strengths and weaknesses. Working within our strengths 80% of the time is the best way to lose fat at full speed.
- Stacker Fat Loss always works. By stacking exercises together into multi-part exercises, you are requiring your body to work harder to get through the exercise. This work = metabolism, which means there is an increased metabolic cost with every exercise you do.
Full Throttle Fat Loss was designed to help you eliminate time-wasted in your workouts or a plan that wasn't ever going to work in the end. This is about starting the rest of your fat loss journey in a predictable, sensible, and logical way that just makes sense.
Your body was designed to eliminate waste. It gets rid of fat when it's signaled to, but you have to first speak the language of the body. That's where most people go wrong. Muscles are silent; they don't speak.
Nerves are not silent, and they 'speak' to muscles through electricity. Every nerve innervates multiple muscles. By focusing on enhancing nerve signals to muscles, we naturally activate more muscles, and more of every muscle. It's a double-win.
We're all made differently, right?
While this is true, there are only so many variations. For example, you might be tall and thin, short and round, short and stocky, etc. By taking a glimpse into your own body and learning what type of muscle fiber you preference, you are automatically setting yourself up for success. Then, when you choose to 'mix it up' and 'scare your fat away,' your body won't know what hit it, and you'll respond just like all those before/after's you keep seeing in the media.
As for Stacker Fat Loss, this is just simple mathematics. Every joint has a local metabolism, and your whole body, or global metabolism, is the accumulation of many local joint metabolisms. Essentially, the more of your joints (or bodyparts) you move, the higher the metabolic cost of an exercise. The more you do this, the higher your metabolism goes, and around we go.
Over the next 4 weeks, we're going to prime your body to lose fat at full speed. I fully intend to help you create a 'Metabolic Shift.' This is a moment in time when your metabolism re-establishes 'normalcy' at a brand-new, higher level. Once it gets used to functioning 'faster', it'll naturally make this the new base level, or basal metabolic rate (BMR) for your body.
So, in combination, we TRIPLE your metabolism:
Step 1: Activate more muscle to get more from every rep and increase metabolic cost.
Step 2: Stack exercises together and increase metabolic cost of every set.
Step 3: Prime your body to lose fat and then create a 'Metabolic Shift', so that you always lose fat faster, from this point on.
Q: Is Full Throttle Fat Loss 'too' difficult?
That's a great question, and I'm going to flip it back on you. No, it shouldn't be too difficult, but difficult is a relative term. What is difficult for you?If it's a matter of stepping outside of your comfort zone, then, yes, this is going to be difficult. If it's a matter of an exercise being too advanced or a workout program being too intense, that's not the case. Full Throttle Fat Loss was designed for any level by using some ninja program design to allow any person, at any level, to step in and get a great workout.
I wish I had the opportunity to work with everyone I train from Day 1. That would be incredible. You'd never make any form mistakes, or get confused by all of the garbage out there in weight loss. Instead, you'll have a targeted and systematized approach to getting your lean body and losing fat as fast as possible, while keeping you healthy. So, I designed this program for you, if that's the case.
On the other hand, I take great enjoyment out of training Olympic and professional athletes. It's really neat to see the potential of your method realized through the most athletic and capable bodies in the world. I always wanted a way to serve both populations, and Full Throttle Fat Loss helped me solve this. As you'll see in a moment, fat loss isn't the only advantage here, so even if you're ultra-advanced, you're in for an incredible treat.
Q: What is Rebound Fat Loss? I've only ever heard of Rebound Weight Gain. How is this different?
Before we discuss Rebound Fat Loss, let's just make sure we're on the same page about Rebound Weight Gain and why it happens:Crash Dieting. Crash Dieting makes it so that your body is in starvation mode and eats its own muscle. Since muscle consumes a ton of energy (calories) for your body, your metabolism naturally decreases over time. Unfortunately, as you reduce your caloric intake and lose muscle at the same time, your body's reward for the weight you lost is less food and a slower metabolism.
On the other hand...
Rebound Fat Loss is when you hit a fat loss goal, and then you decide to go for another one and hit it faster. Most fat loss programs actually slow down in results over time, no matter how much harder you work to see any change.
Full Throttle Fat Loss was designed to actually increase your metabolism over time, improve the neurological signal to your muscle, and re-connect your body. In doing so, your results actually begin to accelerate. You'll be much happier when you join the Full Throttle Fat Loss community and start to see accelerated results. Go ahead and click add to cart:
Click HERE to Get Started For Just $1
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
Q: Is Full Throttle Fat Loss a program that can be repeated?
Of course, but you won't need to in order to hit your goals. As you'll see in a minute, I'm going to make you an incredible offer to let me build your workouts for you until you feel more comfortable becoming fully independent, but that's just a choice and a courtesy.You'll be able to use Full Throttle Fat Loss over and over again, as often as you want. More importantly, you'll understand how to easily switch in/out exercises to the program I already created for you and keep your results coming forever.
This is about fat loss independence, and it's about never plateauing again. I'm on your side.
Q: What if I'm trying to build muscle or just get a bit leaner?
Ok, so this is where Full Throttle Fat Loss gets really cool. Because this is a fully periodized program with distinct phases, you naturally electrify your body into getting lean and activating more muscle within the first 4 weeks. After this point, it's easy to hit any fitness goal you want, whether it's just increasing fitness level or getting bigger.Full Throttle Fat Loss is designed to help your body gain and tolerate more from every workout. These are both essential points in building muscle or improving your fitness level. You've found the 'priming' solution for fitness and building muscle.
Q: What if I have an injury? Can I still get results with Full Throttle Fat Loss?
Great question. 34 pounds and 17% bodyfat ago, I was in a lot of pain... in fact, I'd say 8/10 pain in most joints in my body. It was terrible, and I was 23 years old.Through simple muscle balancing exercises and good judgment, I was able to lose all of my unwanted bodyfat and regain my self-confidence. I'd like you to be able to do the same thing.
The best thing to do if you're injured is learn to work around it. You're creating a faster and better healing environment for your body in doing so. By driving more circulation everywhere in your body through exercising non-injured bodyparts, you're improving oxygen saturation to the injured tissue, and you'll heal faster.
It makes sense to get moving. Use good judgment, involve your doctor or physical therapist if it makes sense, and ask questions, but be sure you get started and take action right away.
Q: I'm ready to start losing fat now. Is this program going to take forever in the mail?
No! The entire program will become immediately available to you via membership login and download after your purchase - no shipping fees, no waiting for results!Q: As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, is it fair to say that you're willing to work with someone who's not in her/his "prime" anymore?
Yes, and I specialize in working with people of all ages. No matter what your need or circumstance, I'm here to help. Our youngest client is an 8 year old boy and our oldest is a 93 year old woman. It's working for both. It'll work for you too.Based upon everything we're learning about each other, this program will work for you. Click add to cart and let's get started:
Click HERE to Get Started For Just $1
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
Q: What if I'm just starting out?
Totally, but only beginners that want to lose fat as fast as advanced trainees and are willing to open their minds and trust the method.In addition to the Beginner Basics Guide that comes with Full Throttle Fat Loss, I've designed each workout to adjust to your level automatically. Plus, I've explained every movement and every exercise in complete detail, demonstrated common form deviations as well as proper form, and shown you the way to 'feel your muscles' while you move.
Q: Can men and women both get great results with this program?
Of course. 60% of my clients are women and 40% are men. I wouldn't create anything that doesn't work for both of you. Full Throttle Fat Loss was designed to guarantee you the fastest fat loss results you've ever seen and have you accelerate fat loss results over time.Get ready, we're going to have some fun.
Q: What if I don't get results?
Then it's all FREE.I know this system works. I know the science is solid and the method has been tested. You're going to get GREAT results. That said, if you're unsatisfied in any way, I've got your back. Fitness and health are about having a positive experience, over and over again. If you're not 100% convinced that this is one of the most positive experiences you've ever had with your health, than I'd rather you invest your money somewhere else.
I'll issue you a complete, hassle-free refund anytime within your first 60 days if you're not completely wow'd by what's to come.
As you can see, the burden is completely on me. I'm taking all the risk, so you don't have to. You've been let down enough times... not this time.
Click the button below and let's get you leaner:
Click HERE to Get Started For Just $1
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
Full Throttle Fat Loss is a great deal this time, and I'm committed to helping every one of you get amazing results. You are the beginning of a new era in fat loss, and I want to ensure you are the example for the rest of the industry from this point on.
You've made it this far. You're reading this for a reason, and I'm here to help.
You know, a lot of people ask me:
"Hey Doc,
I really want to trust you with this stuff, but nothing has worked for me before, and I feel like I've tried everything. Do you really think this will work for me?"
...and I respond about the same way every time...
"Your body is your body, but your mind is much stronger. Before I can draw that conclusion, you have to decide for yourself. Yes, this program can do what you're looking for and then some, but it all starts with you. You have to believe, with everything you've got inside, that you'll never be the same again and you refuse to quit on your goals until they are realized. Find that inspiration and you've already won. There's no other way..."
No matter what, though, I just hope that you've taken a lot away from the time we have spent together today. There are a lot of other workout programs out there and temptation to buy everything you see, but I truly believe this to be the best program on Earth for fat loss acceleration. If it weren't, I wouldn't have released it. This is about bringing things that are newer and better to the industry, or keeping our mouths shut and learning from the best.
In a world ridden with obesity, it's my job to enhance the transformation effect, not confuse it. Just take a look at what Marty has to say and you'll understand much more clearly why this is life-changing information:
On behalf of the entire Samhouri family, we wish you success with your fat loss and weight loss goals. We believe in you, and we believe that change starts today for each one of us. We're here for you anytime you want, and we're glad to help...
Win with me. Click add to cart. Let's get started.
Click HERE to Get Started For Just $1
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
(includes Full Access to Full Throttle Fat Loss, then $96 once after 21 days)
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